
Hi, my name’s Kacie and I just generally really really love a lot of things, and movies happen to fall into the “a lot of things” list.

Ever since I was little, I’ve grown up with my parents showing me the movies near and dear to their hearts (80s rom coms from my mother, 80s sci-fi from my father, and 90s-2000s goofy comedies from the both of them). Some of my most distinct childhood memories center around movies. From sitting on the living room floor when I was 6 years old with my dad watching the original Star Wars trilogy via laser discs (which have since been sold at a yard sale), to catching Harry Potter on cable and hearing the iconic score play for the very first of thousands of times to come, to laughing with my parents as Chris Farley puts on a lovable performance as Tommy Boy (though I was still too young to understand most of the jokes), movies have always created another home for me.

Personally, I believe sharing a favorite movie or TV show with someone is like sharing a little part of yourself- something that resonated with you so deeply that you may have rewatched it dozens of times. It reflects a bit of our view of the world and our view of ourselves. And I suppose that’s why I’ve chosen to write my thoughts and feelings about movies. It’s a wonderful way to share a bit of what’s in my heart with you all. And I know that may have been even a bit more cliché than some of the tropes I’m going to critique, but I mean, clichés are cliché for a reason, right? A lot of the times they happen to be true.